Tales for Children

The Magical Fisherman



the magic of the sea 🐳

Atreus and his sister, Adelyn, live with their mom and dad in China.  They are a multi-cultural, blended family who believe in love, friendship, and magic 🌟

Their adventure begins when Auntie Zoe takes them for a walk down by the ocean.  There they meet an ancient and magical fisherman friend.  He invites them on a boat ride and shows them the magic of the sea.

Join Atreus and Adelyn on their ocean adventure.  Perfect for readers 4-8 years old.

The Magical Fisherman is an imaginative and fun book that children 4 - 8 years old will love.  While full of magic and surprise, this book gently touches on themes of sibling relationships, cultural diversity, and blended families (blended and inclusive of racial difference) making this a great tool for open communication.


Sibley and the Night Noises

















Sibley and the Night Noises is a fun bedtime story for kids afraid of sounds and noises at night. Playful, imaginative and full of noises that are explained – from noisy pipes to the pitter patter of rain drops, during this fun story for children, Sibley finds her courage, faces her fears, and finally ends up sleeping peacefully. 

There are strange noises in Sibley’s house. They wake her up and scare her. Sibley is having nightmares. How can she become empowered to deal with them? A fun bedtime story, about the struggles of bedtime. 

She hears a bump and then a whump! What could those noises be? Follow along while Sibley, her furry friends and brother Sam figure out the noises their old house makes.

This night time book is fun and interactive and the story opens the doorway to talk. A helpful tool to have on hand at a new place! Remember that feeling safe is facilitated by ritual. This book will quickly become part of your nighttime ritual.

Bedtime stories help children empathize with others, build a stronger relationship with you, and master developmental tasks. Learning to sleep independently means developing the abilities to self regulate and self soothe. While some children are naturally good sleepers, many are not. Pediatric studies estimate that sleep problems affect 25-50% of children and 40% of all teens

This book touches on the subjects of sleep, bedtime, anxiety at night, bedtime routine, bedtime story, childhood, and pets.

Sibley and the Bad Dreams










Sibley and the Bad Dreams is a fun bedtime story about a little girl who sometimes gets bad dreams. Playful, imaginative and full of surprises– from pirates to sailing a spaghetti sea! Sibley and her mama play a game each morning after a bad dream. With her mama’s help, Sibley learns how to change those terrible dreams into good things!

There are plenty of giggles as Sibley’s new dreams turn into something that makes everyone laugh during this fun story for children.  

This night time book is fun and interactive and the story opens the doorway to talk. A helpful tool to have on hand at a new place or when bad dreams pop up! Remember that feeling safe is facilitated by ritual. This book will quickly become part of your nighttime routine.

Bedtime stories help children empathize with others, build a stronger relationship with you, and master developmental tasks. Learning to sleep independently means developing the abilities to self regulate and self soothe. While some children are naturally good sleepers, many are not. Pediatric studies estimate that sleep problems affect 25-50% of children and 40% of all teens

This book touches on the subjects of sleep, bedtime, anxiety at night, bedtime routine, bedtime story, childhood, and pets.