What will they learn this year?

What will they learn this year?

I am heading back to Dubai to love, laugh, enjoy, and model good choices for my precious grandchildren. The photo shows Adelyn trying to figure out how the weights go on the bar. She is interested because she watches her dad Matt lift weights in the morning. Our children and grandchildren are absorbing information at a rate that is extraordinary. 

Good parenting and grand-parenting has more to do with the unconditional love we give, and how we show by example. It is what we do, and not just what we say that leads the way. Add love, patience, respect, good eye contact and skilled communication and watch the advancement of this next precious generation of little beings.

As caregivers it is not best that we solve every problem and remove every obstacle. Children develop by being challenged, and gain self esteem through successfully navigating issues. Encourage problem solving (as Adelyn is doing here), (while keeping then safe). Expand their worlds with opportunities to learn, and fill their souls with love. Like flowers, they will blossom.

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