I have been blessed in my life time for the years of clinical work I did with girls. I was drawn to study, and support girls as they fought, struggled, celebrated, and at times achingly, found their way forward. There are dozens of girls whose faces I remember. Anxiety was often an unwanted guest in the room, one who traveled with and stayed close by their sides. We laughed, we cried, we went for ice cream, and cuddled therapy dogs. Forging coping skills in the context of a therapeutic relationship, finding humor in life, and loving them as they sat and talked. Some would say that is a boundary issue — a therapist loving a client. I would reply that healing happens in relationship to others and that without an unconditional acceptance of a girl, there was no way to help. I carry them in my heart still.
Avry, the girl in the Marshmallow series, is the accumulation of many of the endearing characteristics of these girls. She is anxious. She is hypersensitive. She is an introvert, and she is perfect just the way she is. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t struggle and it doesn’t mean she doesn’t benefit from help. All of that is also true. With friends, with family, with her magical cat and a myriad of elves, fairies, unicorns, she has many adventures. Meet her now. Open your heart and begin a magical adventure.