Winter is cold, winter is really cold, winter is...I screech on my mental brakes... winter is...snow is ...beautiful. I will choose, over and over, to turn to the beauty of snow covered trees, of the little chickadees on my back deck eating seeds, of a steel grey lake surrounded by dusted hills. If I don't I just think winter sucks.
What is the point? The point is that life is a series of conscious or unconscious choices, minute by minute. Yes, really. We can choose our attitude. We can choose what we focus on. And if we are struggling with our mood we can choose what works to cheer up. For many people that is holiday movies and romantic comedies.
I will share a secret part of my quirky makeup. I am on a holiday roll watching vampire movies. Werewolves do up the value quotient for me, and I simply accept that this works for me. Out of duty I will add in the Grinch, and perhaps a few more holiday favorites, but I reserve the right to know myself and choose what perks me up. Snow, from inside my house is beautiful. My choice of entertainment is fabulous IF it brightens my mood. That is a cue. Pick to bring things into your life in your leisure time, that make you feel better, not worse. CNN's five things I need to know daily is enough news for me. I live, I connect, I work on books, I dance, and I look for things that bring me joy. I know a few things that work for me. What works for you?