Looking for a miracle to brighten your day? Find a child's face--hopefully in person, but even online. I admit to going, hmm, reluctantly to stores, especially when they are crowded. One of my coping skills is to look for the children, for little round cheeks and chubby arms. I also go to my photos and look at photos of my grandchildren, and late at night sometimes find "cute child videos." There are many. My grandchildren Atreus and his sister Adelyn are in Dubai, but the memory of them, and their hugs is a photo away.
We do not always get to be with family. If we are lucky, we do have family 'somewhere.' Instead of complaining, find gratitude for that. If you have no family, find a connection somewhere--even appreciating the rosy face of a stranger's child in a store. A miracle is right there to be seen--a child.